Monday 17 November 2008

Buttons!,,,,and some recon..=]

Hi all!!
Long time no post, but college carries me away. I have been making things, just not been writing about them. Recently i got given a t-shirt, which was pretty much plain but had 'Arth Guinness' written on it. As oversized boxy mens t-shirts arent really my style i simply recon'd it. I toyed with creating an asymmetric t-shirt, but decided it wouldnt really work with this one =].

I removed the sleeves and turned it into a dress, then i embellished the straps with buttons, and made a little collage on the bottom left thigh, I was trying to make a cute punky type dress without too much fuss, and seeing how easy this was i think i may do it with a
couple more of my tops, maybe even combining them. =/ i havent yet made a decision, but i'll probably do it at some point. just need a couple of print-loud tee's to a LOT of idea's =]
Here's the one i actually did:
Sorry for the aweful photo :(. here's a close up of the collage type thing; I used different materials, lace and buttons, and stiches to add texture, and in person it actually looks good, i'm just a terrible photographer. :(

Also this weekend I made a new flower broach using this tutorial 'flowers from anna's garden'
it's a really easy to follow tutorial, and I LOVE my one =]

I ALSO, made a scoodie!!
I'm not entirely sure if it suits me but it is FABULOUS, i got the tutorial from here. It is a really easy tutorial to follow, even I can do it.
To make the scoodie i used some REALLY old green knit jersey and an old fleecy under sheet warmth mat (type thing :P), look at me recycling!! i'm a little eco warrior :P.

And this is me in my scoodie =]
all wrapped up and warm for my bedroom :P

I shall post when i make more =] i've started on a plaid skirt, so i shall post it if i dont fail with it =]

Love, Katie